Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve in Cairo

"Merry Christmas!"

We've heard this all day today, and expect to tomorrow as well. It's so refreshing to hear the words of the season I grew up with in Catholic Chicago; words I myself barely say in P.C. America these days - instead going for the bland "happy holidays". I hope America catches up with Muslim Egypt - a land, a country, a culture, a people proud of their Muslim-"ness", their Islamic-"ness", and still happy to please those of us who celebrate Christmas with a very hearty, smiling "Merry Christmas."

There is hope for us in America - many of my friends, and I, and many others* are taking back Merry Christmas as well as happily stating Happy Hanukkah to those for whom it is meaningful. So, let's get back to it ... and if you've had a Happy Hanukkah already, great! Happy to hear that. And if you're celebrating Christmas, have a Merry one!

Tomorrow, I'll hope to continue to hear the Merry Christmas from my Muslim brother, friends, and strangers alike.
* I distance myself from the right-wing nuts who want to "take back Christmas" with their own "right" to separate themselves from everyone who doesn't celebrate or observe it. They're too far gone for my taste.

1 comment:

Brien Reed said...

Amazing post! Thats the great news,really that new runway is very helpful for cairo taxi in future which is related to Christmas. Thanks...

Cairo Taxi